
Losing a Furry Friend

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened. ” – Anatole France We Americans adore our pets. We see them as treasured members of the family and treat them accordingly (right, Gizmo and Petey?). We name them after characters in movies, take them on family vacations, and even dress them up on Halloween.


Children and Grief

“Grief is not a problem we are trying to fix for a child; it is an experience they are living.” –National Alliance for Grieving Children Helping children who experience the loss of a parent, sibling or other significant person in their lives can be challenging. Adults who are present to guide a child through his grief […]


Married to Your Counselor? –The Personal Side

I believe it takes your whole life to achieve your destiny. I feel there are things we are supposed to accomplish in each season of life. And, we “achieve” our destiny only when we finish the race of life and have nothing left to learn, experience or contribute. 


Married to Your Counselor? –The Practical Side

Life is full of changes. This week I learned that a friend of mine has been promoted and will move across the country soon. A few days after that, my phone rang and I was told a family member’s cancer has returned. And just this morning a friend of mine’s infant daughter was admitted to […]


Crafting Gratitude—The Personal Side

A year or two ago I started a new practice. At the end of every day I mentally list 3 things I am grateful for.  I also sometimes list one thing I could have done better that day. I usually do this as I am falling asleep, but sometimes I do it throughout the day […]


Crafting Gratitude — The Practical Side

Thanksgiving has just passed, and now I am counting the days until Christmas. I love Christmas, because I love giving (and getting) gifts. I love lit trees, delicious treats, and family traditions that have been celebrated and passed down for thirty plus years. And, yet, as I am getting older, I have come to love Thanksgiving […]


Grief and Loss

“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern.” -Elisabeth Kubler-Ross (Death: The […]