
Mom’s going back to work

As a first-time mom coming back to the work force, the experience is both terrifying and exciting for me. Exciting to be going back to work and doing something I love and terrifying as I now have an entire other human to worry and think about while at work. It can be hard to go […]


Surviving Family Time

Many of us love family get-togethers and the opportunities they present to be generous, find peace and have fun. While spending time with family members can bring joy and a sense of fulfilling togetherness, it also brings a unique set of challenges that we may not face in our independent, every day lives.


The Pain of Addiction

Most people are aware of the debilitating and sometimes exhausting nature of addiction. We often view addicts and alcoholics with pity, criticism or some combination of both. But what about the people around the addict? For every person struggling with alcoholism or drug addiction, there are family members and friends struggling with how to help. […]


Lifeline—The Personal Side

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Honestly, I am a combination of the two, but if I had to pick just one I am more of an introvert than an extrovert. This means I recharge better alone. And it also means that I tend to inwardly process my thoughts, feelings and ideas before sharing […]


Lifeline—The Practical Side

A few weeks ago I came home from work, sat down at my laptop to check my email and sat there stunned for a good ten minutes after my computer fired up. On the home page that pops up before I go to my email I saw that Anthony Bourdain had died by suicide. Even […]