
Taking Care of Yourself: Present You and Future You

“You owe it to yourself. Take care of yourself. Look out for yourself.” You have likely heard statements like these and others that are attempts to communicate the idea of self-care. Self-care can loosely be defined as prioritizing and acting out things that preserve our well-being as well as promote improvement in our lives. While […]


Overcoming your Fears

What’s your biggest fear? Is it a fear of failure or a fear of the future? Is it a fear of commitment, intimacy or rejection? Is it a fear of death? Is it a fear of public speaking, heights, flying, or spiders? These are some of the most common fears among us all and no […]


Compassion Fatigue—The Personal Side

Years ago, when I started this work, I found myself with a large caseload of trauma survivors. I remember a colleague of mine at the time warning me to be mindful of compassion fatigue. I did not put much thought into his advice until several hurricanes struck Florida back to back at that time–as well […]


Compassion Fatigue—The Practical Side

Compassion fatigue is sometimes called “the cost of caring.” Compassion fatigue occurs when you have had to care too hard for too long. Over time, compassion fatigue can negatively impact one’s ability to empathize for others.  In the beginning stages it can cause you to feel emotionally burned out, mildly apathetic and physically fatigued.