
Pronouns are Suicide Prevention

We’ve always learned about pronouns in elementary school but we’ve not always learned about what they mean outside of the grammatical context. Pronouns are words “that refers to either the people talking or someone that is being talked about (i.e. she, him, them, etc.)” Pronouns can be affirming to ones gender identity, gender expression, or […]



Depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Fortunately, it is also treatable. Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical […]


Seeing Wellness As A Hierarchy

Wellness is one of the most common things that is mentioned in therapy. It is a term that could be defined as, one’s overall contentment, success, and comfortability in a particular area of life. Wellness is often broken up into different section of our life with a myriad of different breakdowns depending on different therapist, […]


The Love Cycle—Also Known as Grief (The Personal Side)

**Please proceed with caution. Grief is difficult to experience, speak of and even read about. Some of the things mentioned in this blog may be triggering to you and stir up strong emotions. Please make sure you are prepared to read about grief and take some time following reading this to engage in some form […]


The Love Cycle—Also Known as Grief (The Practical Side)

“The cost of love is grief.” I am not sure where I heard this quote, but it has stayed with me for years. I am well-versed in grief—both personally and professionally—so I suspect I heard it from Alan Wolfelt, David Kessler or some other grief expert I study behind hoping to glean kernels of wisdom […]