
Treat Yourself – The Personal Side

Not everything about getting older is bad. In fact, some things get better with age, especially if we work on them. I am going to be incredibly transparent and say that in the past I was not good at treating myself or self-care, as described in the first part of this blog.

A host of reasons exist and played into why I was not great at treating or caring for myself. For starters, I did not grow up witnessing parents that treated themselves or regularly practiced self-care. Money was tight and treats were usually saved for vacations (when we took them) and holidays. I don’t ever remember my parents buying themselves fancy things or going to expensive restaurants. When it came to self-care, they were very average. They ate mostly nutritious foods and one of them even exercised. However, they did not regularly care for their emotions or engage in many activities to stimulate their minds. I don’t fault them for this one bit. They were trying to survive and the survival mechanism we all possess can change the way we see and interact with the world—especially when we feel resources are scarce. I am sure they did their best, but I had much to learn as I got older and began to understand the importance of not just treats (those can be fleeting), but real, meaningful self-care.

I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. I cared for myself in the basic ways when I was younger. I ate fairly well, I went to the doctor and the dentist when I should, and I even exercised. However, I did not talk about my emotions often (until I began training to be a therapist) and I did not realize the ways spirituality could benefit my mind and overall mental health.

Through therapy and time, I have realized the importance of investing in self-care. I have outlined what is important to me—things like family, friends and spirituality—and taken steps to keep these as priorities in my life. I make choices about my schedule that reflect the importance of my caring for myself by spending time with those I love, taking care of my body, attending therapy when needed and engaging in spiritual practices so that I can be the best version of myself possible. The key is intentionality. You can look at any person’s schedule and tell what their priorities are based on how they spend their time. The key is making sure what you really want and need lines up with how you are planning your days. 

If you are feeling stressed or in need of support, we can help. Our licensed mental health counselors can help you identify what is most important in your life and how to care for it. Please contact Life Enhancement Counseling Services at 407-443-8862 to schedule an appointment so that we can support and walk alongside you as you care for yourself. 


Yolanda Brailey