Battling Binges
We all overeat from time to time. This can include indulging in a decadent dessert when you’re already full, or taking that extra helping at a family gathering. For binge eaters, however, this is a regular event that generally happens in secret and is accompanied with a feeling of disgust and a complete loss of control. The reason for the binges may vary from person to person. Often these binges are something a person does to try to suppress the feelings they are experiencing at that time.
Binging often leads to feelings of anger or disappointment after the binge is complete, and they generally cause the person to feel worse instead of better. It can become a vicious cycle, causing the person to binge over and over again. With the right support those who binge can learn to control their eating and develop a healthy relationship with food, rather than a toxic one.
So what is Binge Eating?
Binge eating is characterized by compulsive overeating over a short period of time, during which the person consumes a large amount of food. During the binge the person feels out of control and is unable to stop voluntarily. These binges take place in secret, and the behaviors are usually thought of as shameful by the person who is binging. This dangerous behavior can create health concerns such as obesity, diabetes, and other weight related illnesses, not to mention feelings of disgust and self-loathing that may occur between binges.
Binge Eating affects all races, ethnicities, and sexes equally. Unfortunately many people suffering from this disease fall under that radar because the struggle is generally hidden from friends, family members and even doctors. Getting help and establishing a support system is the first line of defense against this disease.
What are your options?
Counseling is a healthy way to deal with the feelings of powerlessness associated with compulsive overeating. Although some people may think that popular weight loss programs are the way to fix the problem, restrictive diet plans can actually make binging worse. Thoughts and feelings associated with binges are not addressed within these popular programs. Working with a counselor who can help you discover the root of the problem is a much more effective way to deal with this disease. Clients will be encouraged to get to know the feelings associated with their urges to binge. The counselor will then help them to discover healthy alternatives which will ultimately have lasting results.
If binge eating is something you are currently struggling with and you would like to speak with a trained therapist, please contact Life Enhancement Counseling Services in Orlando at 407-443-8862 and schedule your appointment today.