
Losing Control

I remember hearing a story, many years ago, from a concerned mother about her very angry son. She recounted many outbursts, but one in particular has stuck with me because it showed how different people perceive anger. During an initial session, this elderly woman explained that she had been living with her son, his wife, […]


From the Other Side

Hello from the other side. I must have called a thousand times… -Adele & Greg Kurstin I read somewhere that Adele sees this song as being as much about connecting with herself as anyone else. This is such a powerful song for me, because it reminds me of the relationship between therapist and client. When you make the […]


From Fear to Hope

“Loving ourselves through the process of owning our story is the bravest thing we’ll ever do.”  Brene Brown In their article “The journey of a lifetime: Group work with young women who have experienced sexual assault,” narrative therapists Lisa McPhie and Chris Chaffey explain the process they used to give witness to the stories of […]


Children and Emotional Distress

One of the most challenging experiences for a parent is learning how to help a child in emotional distress.  A parent can feel overwhelmed and inadequate, when faced with the acute emotional distress of their child; especially when they try to respond by attempting to calm the child down or with problem solving…and it doesn’t work. Panic can […]