Child Therapy
Child therapy consists of a working therapeutic relationship between a therapist and child. Family therapy may also be prescribed by the therapist if s/he feels it will benefit the child. Psychotherapy can help children of all ages struggling with a variety of issues including anxiety, depression, trauma, abuse, social phobia, adjustment issues, academic problems, conflict with peers or family members, separation or divorce of parents, substance abuse, identity issues and sexual issues.
During the first step of child therapy the therapist works hard to build rapport with the child. Without good rapport it is highly unlikely that any real therapeutic progress will be made. Rapport building may involve talking, playing games, drawing or anything else that encourages the child to build a relationship with the therapist. Once this relationship is established, the therapist will begin encouraging the child to speak about the issues(s) at hand.
Multiple kinds of therapy are used in working with children. Some of these include narrative therapy, art therapy, solution focused therapy, cognitive therapy, behavioral therapy and family therapy. The therapist will use whatever therapeutic techniques and interventions s/he feels will be most beneficial to the mental health of that particular child. Over time, the child will identify and process feelings, as well as identify and implement solutions, to the presenting issue(s).