
Losing Control

I remember hearing a story, many years ago, from a concerned mother about her very angry son. She recounted many outbursts, but one in particular has stuck with me because it showed how different people perceive anger. During an initial session, this elderly woman explained that she had been living with her son, his wife, […]


Fear of the Unknown–The Personal Side

I currently find myself in several of life’s waiting rooms. Some of the waiting rooms look hopeful and cheery. And, others, well…they are grayer, quieter–more serious. I wish I could tell you that after decades on the planet I have mastered the art of waiting and that I live without any worry of the unknown. […]


Fostering Connection — The Practical Side

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? If you are an introvert, you energize yourself by spending time alone. Extroverts, on the other hand, feel refreshed and rejuvenated after spending time with others. Personally, I think I am almost equal parts introvert and extrovert. But, no matter what personality type you may be, study after […]


Coping with Stress this Holiday Season

Everyone experiences stress from time to time. It’s part of normal life. Most people’s stress levels increase this time of year due to the added pressures that come with the holidays such as parties, gifting, decorations, and missing loved ones. When you factor in daily stressors like relationships, work issues, illness, and child care; our stress levels can really […]


Eat a Rainbow Daily

Not a day has gone by lately where I haven’t heard at least one person say something like “I need to get back into shape” or “I really need to start eating better.”  Generally this stems from a feeling of lowered self-esteem, and the desire to improve their lives in a more complete way. My […]