
Looking at the Bright Side of Life

As you go about your daily life, you may not realize how much impact the power of your thoughts can have on your actions. Imagine waking up at 6:30 in the morning, feeling refreshed and energized after a great night’s sleep. The sun is out, the sky looks clear, and you know the day is going […]


Coping with Stress this Holiday Season

Everyone experiences stress from time to time. It’s part of normal life. Most people’s stress levels increase this time of year due to the added pressures that come with the holidays such as parties, gifting, decorations, and missing loved ones. When you factor in daily stressors like relationships, work issues, illness, and child care; our stress levels can really […]


Discover Your True Potential

From my previous post… Do not compare yourself to others. Thomas Jefferson once said, “Comparison is the thief of Joy.” If we compare ourselves to the models in the magazines, especially those who have been drastically altered, we are doing ourselves a huge injustice.


My Family, My Friends

One year at my family reunion, my cousin was upset with herself for having forgotten to bring something (a food item, I believe). She began berating herself out loud in a most unforgiving way. “I should have known better. Why didn’t I double check? I’m always forgetting something. Leave it to me. Mom told me not […]


The Voice in Your Head

There is an adage that most of us have heard at some point while we were growing up. It states, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.” I think, in general, that’s a great rule to live by. However, realistically, if you don’t have anything nice to say, […]


Thinking Makes It So

As a therapist I am constantly seeking to help my clients envision a multitude of possibilities when processing troubling life events. As humans we often tend to explain situations in rigid terms of right and wrong, good or bad, or black and white. When something happens to us, we immediately begin to create a story […]