
Losing Control

I remember hearing a story, many years ago, from a concerned mother about her very angry son. She recounted many outbursts, but one in particular has stuck with me because it showed how different people perceive anger. During an initial session, this elderly woman explained that she had been living with her son, his wife, […]


Anger: A Complex Emotion

“When anger rises, think of the consequences.” -Confucius Anger is a normal human emotion that everyone experiences. At times everyone feels annoyed, frustrated, irritated or angry. Anger can be expressed by shouting, swearing, or sometimes throwing and smashing things. It can become physical towards other people or ourselves. Some people may withdraw when they become […]


Looking at the Bright Side of Life

As you go about your daily life, you may not realize how much impact the power of your thoughts can have on your actions. Imagine waking up at 6:30 in the morning, feeling refreshed and energized after a great night’s sleep. The sun is out, the sky looks clear, and you know the day is going […]


Accepting Imperfection

When you were a child did you hear the words, “children are to be seen and not heard?” Were you allowed to express your feelings such as sadness or anger, or were you expected to be happy and perfect at all times? As I sit here and think about my childhood, I remember having to behave a certain […]


Anger Management — The Personal Side

Anger can be a symptom of depression, grief, acute stress disorder, bipolar disorder, substance abuse and/or addiction, personality disorders, eating disorders, schizophrenia and many, many other disorders. Thus, anger should never be ignored. And, even if you seek treatment and find that you do not have a diagnosable mental health disorder, feelings of anger should […]


Anger Management — The Practical Side

“Anger management” is a term that is used loosely nowadays and even used jokingly in movies and conversations to refer to treatment that might help emotionally explosive individuals. But, anger is a real and powerful emotion and can be dangerous both for the person with deep feelings of anger and for those around him/her. 


Count to Ten – The Practical Side

Whether from real life or Hollywood movies, you have probably heard of counting to ten, walking away or taking deep breaths to help manage anger. There are many ways to deal with anger, both positive and negative. However, until what is hiding behind the anger can be uncovered and dealt with, utilizing coping skills like […]