
From the Other Side

Hello from the other side. I must have called a thousand times… -Adele & Greg Kurstin I read somewhere that Adele sees this song as being as much about connecting with herself as anyone else. This is such a powerful song for me, because it reminds me of the relationship between therapist and client. When you make the […]


Five Sides of The Spinning Top

As an injury-prone person, I’m often amazed by (and appreciative of) my body’s ability to heal. Our bodies are filled with white blood-cells that constantly battle sickness, and our bodily tissues are always standing at the ready to repair any structural damage we might incur. But, not only are our bodies geared towards healing, so […]


Losing a Furry Friend

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened. ” – Anatole France We Americans adore our pets. We see them as treasured members of the family and treat them accordingly (right, Gizmo and Petey?). We name them after characters in movies, take them on family vacations, and even dress them up on Halloween.


Children and Grief

“Grief is not a problem we are trying to fix for a child; it is an experience they are living.” –National Alliance for Grieving Children Helping children who experience the loss of a parent, sibling or other significant person in their lives can be challenging. Adults who are present to guide a child through his grief […]


Married to Your Counselor? –The Personal Side

I believe it takes your whole life to achieve your destiny. I feel there are things we are supposed to accomplish in each season of life. And, we “achieve” our destiny only when we finish the race of life and have nothing left to learn, experience or contribute. 


Crafting Gratitude — The Practical Side

Thanksgiving has just passed, and now I am counting the days until Christmas. I love Christmas, because I love giving (and getting) gifts. I love lit trees, delicious treats, and family traditions that have been celebrated and passed down for thirty plus years. And, yet, as I am getting older, I have come to love Thanksgiving […]