
Fostering Connection — The Practical Side

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? If you are an introvert, you energize yourself by spending time alone. Extroverts, on the other hand, feel refreshed and rejuvenated after spending time with others. Personally, I think I am almost equal parts introvert and extrovert. But, no matter what personality type you may be, study after […]


Coping with Stress this Holiday Season

Everyone experiences stress from time to time. It’s part of normal life. Most people’s stress levels increase this time of year due to the added pressures that come with the holidays such as parties, gifting, decorations, and missing loved ones. When you factor in daily stressors like relationships, work issues, illness, and child care; our stress levels can really […]


Fix It Now!

When a person first begins therapy, she is likely to say to the therapist, “I just want this feeling/problem/burden to go away. Can you fix it? Now?” Sometimes it’s said in a half-joking half-serious manner, but oftentimes it’s whispered as a desperate plea. The truth is that if there were a magic cure all, there would be […]


Relationships 101 — The Personal Side

I love relationships. How could I not? I did after all choose to become a therapist. And, after decades of relationships–both personal and professional–with many different kinds of people, I have gleaned a few basic truths. Most importantly, I have learned (which I think deep down I have believed since I was a teenager) that […]


Married to Your Counselor? –The Personal Side

I believe it takes your whole life to achieve your destiny. I feel there are things we are supposed to accomplish in each season of life. And, we “achieve” our destiny only when we finish the race of life and have nothing left to learn, experience or contribute.