
Fix It Now!

When a person first begins therapy, she is likely to say to the therapist, “I just want this feeling/problem/burden to go away. Can you fix it? Now?” Sometimes it’s said in a half-joking half-serious manner, but oftentimes it’s whispered as a desperate plea. The truth is that if there were a magic cure all, there would be […]


Married to Your Counselor? –The Practical Side

Life is full of changes. This week I learned that a friend of mine has been promoted and will move across the country soon. A few days after that, my phone rang and I was told a family member’s cancer has returned. And just this morning a friend of mine’s infant daughter was admitted to […]


Why Counseling — The Personal Side

Sure you will have to do some work during the process. You will have to trust your therapist and be willing to talk to her. But a seasoned therapist will provide a safe place for you to share and knows just which interventions and practices to use to help you on your journey. A skilled […]