
Anger: A Complex Emotion

“When anger rises, think of the consequences.” -Confucius Anger is a normal human emotion that everyone experiences. At times everyone feels annoyed, frustrated, irritated or angry. Anger can be expressed by shouting, swearing, or sometimes throwing and smashing things. It can become physical towards other people or ourselves. Some people may withdraw when they become […]


You Make Me Feel

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. -Viktor Emil Frankl, Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist, author and Holocaust survivor So, you make me feel… Nope. Sorry. You don’t make me feel anything. This is a good thing! A more accurate statement would be, “When x happens, […]


Fix It Now!

When a person first begins therapy, she is likely to say to the therapist, “I just want this feeling/problem/burden to go away. Can you fix it? Now?” Sometimes it’s said in a half-joking half-serious manner, but oftentimes it’s whispered as a desperate plea. The truth is that if there were a magic cure all, there would be […]


Crafting Gratitude—The Personal Side

A year or two ago I started a new practice. At the end of every day I mentally list 3 things I am grateful for.  I also sometimes list one thing I could have done better that day. I usually do this as I am falling asleep, but sometimes I do it throughout the day […]