
Everything That Rises

“No [one] can reveal to you [anything] but that which already lies half-asleep in the dawning of your knowledge” -Khalil Gibran. I love this quote so much, and I feel that it is an essential premise with which to begin this blog. I have recently stumbled upon a life-changing book that was written in 1997 and spent […]


Fear of the Unknown–The Practical Side

Are you waiting on something? An answer? A test result? News from the bank? A new job? I think everyone is waiting for something. Whether it is big or small there are always things on our horizon we are thinking of, dreaming about and even worrying over. The only real constant in life is change. […]


Fostering Connection — The Personal Side

In the practical blog on this subject, I asked you to take inventory of your current connections and ask yourself this question: “Do I regularly engage in activities that foster mental, emotional, spiritual and physical connection in my life?” Not long after typing that question, I remembered a somewhat funny piece of advice a professor […]


Fix It Now!

When a person first begins therapy, she is likely to say to the therapist, “I just want this feeling/problem/burden to go away. Can you fix it? Now?” Sometimes it’s said in a half-joking half-serious manner, but oftentimes it’s whispered as a desperate plea. The truth is that if there were a magic cure all, there would be […]


Together We Heal

When “I” is replaced by “we,” even illness becomes wellness.  Anonymous Emotions shared with another human being have greater healing powers than when experiencing emotions alone.  Studies show that crying in the presence of another human being has the same increased healing affect. Often children are given messages such as “boys don’t cry,”or “I’ll give you […]


My Teen Has Been Abducted by Aliens!

“And so, rather than ignoring the ESSENCE of adolescence, what if we shaped our culture-in our homes, in our schools, and in our larger society-to cherish and cultivate these qualities?” -Dr. Daniel J. Siegel Adolescent years often bring confusion…not just for adolescents themselves…but for their parents, who no longer recognize their children. It’s as if […]


An Attitude Adjustment — The Practical Side

Attitude affects everything. Really it does. It affects the way we think, the way we act and even our non-verbal behavior (think body language). A positive attitude or outlook fuels positive thought processes, encourages us to make beneficial life choices and positively influences those around us. A negative outlook does just the opposite. A pessimistic […]