
Fostering Connection — The Practical Side

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? If you are an introvert, you energize yourself by spending time alone. Extroverts, on the other hand, feel refreshed and rejuvenated after spending time with others. Personally, I think I am almost equal parts introvert and extrovert. But, no matter what personality type you may be, study after […]


Crafting Gratitude—The Personal Side

A year or two ago I started a new practice. At the end of every day I mentally list 3 things I am grateful for.  I also sometimes list one thing I could have done better that day. I usually do this as I am falling asleep, but sometimes I do it throughout the day […]


Finding a Forever Home

Adoption can be a wonderful gift to all those involved. However, creating a new forever home for a child, may also come with some unexpected stressors. Many people do not consider the negative aspects of adoptions when they are hoping to grow their family. There are 7 core issues of adoptions that all families should […]


Domestic Violence (DV) — The Personal Side

When I was in high school, one of my friends (let’s call her Laura) dated a guy who often abused her both physically and emotionally. She was tragically affected by domestic violence, but at the time I had no idea. All I knew was that her boyfriend (let’s call him Rob) did not seem very […]


Battling Binges

We all overeat from time to time. This can include indulging in a decadent dessert when you’re already full, or taking that extra helping at a family gathering. For binge eaters, however, this is a regular event that generally happens in secret and is accompanied with a feeling of disgust and a complete loss of […]


Anger Management — The Practical Side

“Anger management” is a term that is used loosely nowadays and even used jokingly in movies and conversations to refer to treatment that might help emotionally explosive individuals. But, anger is a real and powerful emotion and can be dangerous both for the person with deep feelings of anger and for those around him/her.