
You Make Me Feel

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. -Viktor Emil Frankl, Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist, author and Holocaust survivor So, you make me feel… Nope. Sorry. You don’t make me feel anything. This is a good thing! A more accurate statement would be, “When x happens, […]


Yes and No

Yes and No are such small words in comparison to the many other amazing words in our language; however, these little words can be very powerful. Oftentimes we are afraid to say “YES” and experience something new (that might be initially uncomfortable)…and “NO” when we need to stop putting others before ourselves.  Here are some of […]


Can You Hear Me?

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” -George Bernard Shaw How many times have you heard “Talk to me for once!” or “I can’t communicate with you right now!” or “Are you even listening to me?” As a therapist in Orlando working with couples and families, I hear these […]


I Love Me…In a Good Way – The Personal Side

In today’s society, self-esteem is perhaps more elusive than ever.  All day long we are bombarded with images of what we should look like, drive, wear, etc.  Women and men feel extreme pressure to live up to the standard of Hollywood’s idols—movie stars who have unlimited access to trainers, chefs and yes, plastic surgery.


I Love Me…In a Good Way – The Practical Side

If you are depressed, anxious, addicted to drugs or alcohol, in a domestic violence relationship or suffering from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, you may have low self-esteem.  In fact, low self-esteem plays a role in many mental health disorders.  However, you can have low self-esteem without having a specific disorder.