

As my husband and I were leaving my in-law’s home during our last visit, I witnessed a scene that has played out countless times during my 12 years in this family. While we are pulling out of the driveway, my mother-in-law began to stifle tears so we wouldn’t notice she was crying. My husband, noticing […]



“Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad.” -Unknown June is a month to celebrate a very important person in many people’s lives. Dad. Happy Father’s Day to all of those men that play such an important part in their children’s lives, men that play such an important […]


It’s the Little Things: Boundaries — The Personal Side

I wish I could tell you that I am perfect at setting personal boundaries with others, but alas–as with diet and exercise–I am a work in progress. Boundaries are tricky and sometimes they are hardest to set and maintain with our closest loved ones, family members and friends. Nevertheless, I try to be mindful of […]


It’s the Little Things: Boundaries — The Practical Side

One of my daily, never-ending lifelong goals is to eat well and drink plenty of water. Some days I excel at eating healthy food, drinking plenty of water and even managing to squeeze in time to exercise too.  Other days, I do not. Eating well and taking care of my physical body is a goal […]