

To often we get caught up in the “what if’s” of life. What if I had done this instead of that? What if I had gone this way instead of that way? What if I had called this person instead of ignoring them? What if I had stayed calm during the argument instead of blowing […]


Anxiety and Depression “Relapses”

When working with addiction, the term relapse is thrown around all the time. It can refer to a slip up of using substances one time, or a full-blown return to the behaviors and patterns that were prominent at the height of addiction. Relapses are common in that world but the process of relapse can also […]


Kindness Consciousness—The Personal Side

While listening to a podcast recently, the narrator talked about “comfort words.” He started his talk listing comfort foods—foods we eat to make us feel better when we are down, stressed or even bored. He then moved on to “comfort words.” He described comfort words as phrases we tell ourselves that comfort us—some of which […]


Kindness Consciousness—The Practical Side

Nowadays it seems we are hyper-aware of so many things. We are inundated with information from around the world that lives at our fingertips via our phones—through the web, news apps and live streaming. With COVID we are conscious about masks, social distancing and what our governor’s current recommendations are.  We are increasingly vigilant about […]