
Time Moves Quickly: Mindfulness & Presence

Someone told me this past week why it feels like time goes faster as you get older. When you are in your first year of life there is only 365 days between you and when you came into the world. With every year that passes, it becomes more days behind you than you’ve ever had before. At […]


Changes to Mental Life in the “Post-COVID World”

While I am not a part of any historical committee that makes these decisions or labels, I do believe we are in what we can call the “Post-COVID World”. The quotations I put around this label serve 2 purposes: to indicate this is a formally defined term that everyone agrees with, and to give awareness […]


Care for the Caregiver—The Personal Side

I have a friend whose mother-in-law—let’s call her Maureen–has taken care of her mother around the clock for several years. Maureen takes turns with one of her siblings to care for their mother in the home. This arrangement has been going on for years. And this is not uncommon.


Care for the Caregiver—The Practical Side

Parents of special needs children, adult children caring for their parents, grandparents raising their grandchildren…when I think of caregivers, so many different types of people and roles come to mind.  Caregivers come in so many forms. Those who choose to care for others with special needs are some of the kindest, most giving and most […]