
Compassion Fatigue—The Personal Side

Years ago, when I started this work, I found myself with a large caseload of trauma survivors. I remember a colleague of mine at the time warning me to be mindful of compassion fatigue. I did not put much thought into his advice until several hurricanes struck Florida back to back at that time–as well […]


Compassion Fatigue—The Practical Side

Compassion fatigue is sometimes called “the cost of caring.” Compassion fatigue occurs when you have had to care too hard for too long. Over time, compassion fatigue can negatively impact one’s ability to empathize for others.  In the beginning stages it can cause you to feel emotionally burned out, mildly apathetic and physically fatigued.


Creating a Routine, Not a Punishment Schedule

A routine, or a schedule, has long been known to be beneficial for our mental health. These benefits extend to both those who are dealing with diagnosed mental conditions like depression, addiction disorders, ADD, ADHD, and anxiety, as well as to those who are looking to improve overall wellness. A routine allows us to make […]


Following your Ambitions

Are you truly happy at your job? Do you feel fulfilled in your career? Are you excited when going to work or do you absolutely dread it and feel miserable at the mere thought of work? According to statistics, the average person will spend about 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime, which equates to […]


Postpartum Depression 101: The Personal Side

Until I was almost 30 years old, no woman ever spoke to me about baby blues or postpartum depression. I knew a little bit about postpartum depression simply because I love learning about mental health and am obviously a therapist. But no one shared with me how a dark depression can descend on mothers (and […]


Postpartum Depression 101: The Practical Side

Babies, marriage, leaving for college, buying your first home—whatever celebratory occasion it may be—people rarely tell you that there is stress involved in these momentous occasions. Sure, they may tell you that planning a wedding is costly or that staying up all night with a new baby is exhausting, but people rarely tell you about […]


Locus of Control: Where Does Our Control Rest?

What is Locus of Control? Do you control your life, or does the environment determine how things turn out? Most people will answer that there is a mix of the two. You get to choose what cereal you buy, the friends you have, and what temperature you set your air conditioning to. But you don’t […]


It’s Not Your Fault

One of the most common symptoms in victims of abuse and domestic violence is self-blame and possibly one of the hardest symptoms to overcome as well. Self-blame is a torturous cycle, yet we engage in it because it’s familiar, it becomes comfortable, and it’s all we’ve ever known so how can we recognize that we […]