
Going Home Again – An Opportunity for Emotional Growth

It is often said that home is where our story begins. For many of us here in Orlando, that story actually began somewhere other than Florida. And with the summer months just around the corner, many of us will be taking a trip home, where our story began, to visit family and friends. A visit […]


The Ripple Effect: When They hurt, I Hurt Too

Have you ever had a loved one who is hurting, and their pain over time becomes your own? Whether it is a family member, loved one, or friend if you are invested, chances are you will suffer with them. As relational beings, we are driven to stick together for better or for worse. Depending on […]


Minimizing Burnout

Feeling stressed and overwhelmed at times are pretty typical experiences for most people. We may feel overwhelmed by work, family situations or physical or mental health strains. It may feel intense and cause you to be emotionally and physically exhausted at the end of the day. It may feel that way for several days in […]


Marriage Maintenance—The Personal Side

Nothing worth having comes easy. A close friend of mine says this often and I have come to believe it.  In the same respect, I have come to learn that just because something isn’t “easy” does not have to mean it is always “terrible/hard work.” Working on a marriage or long-term relationships does require “work”, […]


Marriage Maintenance—The Practical Side

You know that check engine light we all have on our cars? What if the next time yours came on instead of taking your car to the shop you took a piece of black, electrical tape and covered it up? What if instead of doing simple, required maintenance or perhaps even going further and having […]