
Over and Over Again: OCD – The Personal Side

Since I do not have OCD, it is difficult for me to imagine what it must be like to live with the extreme anxiety OCD fosters. Nevertheless, even though I do not live with obsessions and compulsions that interfere with my daily life, I do from time to time have feelings of anxiety.

I deal with feelings of anxiety regarding work, relationships, marriage and family and of course money. In truth, as life ebbs and flows there will always be potentially anxiety provoking changes and stressors to deal with—for everyone. 

I can never truly know the frustration and suffering those with OCD experience. However, I have known, on a much smaller scale, what living with unbridled anxiety is like. I have felt nervous, stressed and pondered over situations somewhat incessantly. I have stayed up late at night thinking about problems and awakened the next day with them still on my mind. Thankfully, over the years I have acquired some good coping skills and a great support system to help me manage the ups and downs of life. I have learned through time, techniques and people—including  therapists—how to cope with stress and anxiety.

If you are experiencing life changes, stressors, anxiety or OCD, a trained and experienced mental health counselor can provide the support, information and expertise necessary to assuage your feelings of anxiety. With the right help, you can have a life no longer dominated by anxiety or intrusive obsessions and compulsions. A seasoned therapist can help you find balance and peace, no matter what you are facing. Please call Life Enhancement Counseling Services today at 407-443-8862 to schedule an appointment.


Yolanda Brailey