
Embracing the New Normal

How many of you are ready for this corona virus to be over so you can go back to your normal lives? Are you ready to go back to your jobs, back to eating out at restaurants, back to bars/clubs, back to taking trips/vacations, back to meetings/conferences, back to concerts/events, or back to school? Even […]


The New Normal…For Now—The Personal Side

I tend to have a darker sense of humor at times so I have been enjoying all of the memes about COVID-19 that highlight how hard it is to work from home with children and possibly how quirky we may be years later following this pandemic. For example, have you seen the one of the […]


The New Normal…For Now—The Practical Side

With more than one month into doing life while the world is mostly shut down as a result of COVID-19, it is safe to say we have all learned some things. We are all spending more time at home, more time with the same people and less time going out into the world to work […]


Springing Forward and Moving on

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of spring? Spring is typically associated with blooming flowers symbolizing rebirth, regrowth, and rejuvenation. Warmer weather approaches, bare tree branches give way to budding green leaves, and animals come out of hibernation. However, spring is also associated with rain and flowers can’t bloom […]


Crisis Self-Care 101—The Personal Side

Despite all that is happening in the world, I recently ventured out to have dinner with an old friend. She was supposed to treat me to my favorite restaurant (a very belated birthday gift), but of course all food is carry-out only right now. So, she picked up our food and we ate and had […]


Crisis Self-Care 101—The Practical Side

When I began writing this piece and went to save just a blank page with the title at the top, Microsoft Word suggested I save the document as “Crisis Self.” I internally chuckled because that really is what this piece will be about—your “crisis self.”


“Meaning” in Everyday Life

What comes to mind when you hear a question like, “what is your Meaning in life?” Some common reactions are, rolling your eyes, or getting emotional, or feeling scared. It is one of those topics you only expect to discuss with a counselor, spiritual advisor, or maybe an intimate partner. We all know Meaning is […]


Spring into a New You

Hello spring, sunshine, and smiles. Goodbye winter and to all those dark, gloomy skies or feeling down below the weather. The seasons are now changing and coming to an end. As one would say, “every ending is a start to a new beginning” or a new season. A new season is a reason to spring […]