
Going Back to School

Whether you are 5 years old or 50 years old, going back to school can be both exciting and frightening. School, like work, becomes our first place where we develop a love/hate relationship as we either love school or hate it, love our teachers or hate them, love our classmates or can’t stand them. Some […]


Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My! : Childhood Fears & Phobias

Children do their best to put on brave faces to cope with life’s stressful or daunting situations, assimilating to the best of their abilities. Starting a new school year or having a conflict come up with a friend can cause normal anxiety. In fact, if navigated well, these circumstances can help them to build the […]


Handling The Unknown

Most of us are logically aware that we don’t know what the future holds. We make our plans and put one foot in front of the other, hoping things will turn out relatively close to what we envisioned for our lives. But what about those bumps in the road-those things we didn’t see coming as […]


Mom’s going back to work

As a first-time mom coming back to the work force, the experience is both terrifying and exciting for me. Exciting to be going back to work and doing something I love and terrifying as I now have an entire other human to worry and think about while at work. It can be hard to go […]


Surviving Family Time

Many of us love family get-togethers and the opportunities they present to be generous, find peace and have fun. While spending time with family members can bring joy and a sense of fulfilling togetherness, it also brings a unique set of challenges that we may not face in our independent, every day lives.


The Pain of Addiction

Most people are aware of the debilitating and sometimes exhausting nature of addiction. We often view addicts and alcoholics with pity, criticism or some combination of both. But what about the people around the addict? For every person struggling with alcoholism or drug addiction, there are family members and friends struggling with how to help. […]


Taking The First Steps Toward Improving Communication

When I ask the question of how a couple would like to improve their relationship, I almost always recieve an answer involving “we need to communicate better”. This theme of improving communication shows up frequently when working with couples, and often those I work with are wanting quick solutions to improving their communication skills with […]


We Must Talk About Suicide

The suicides of 2 celebrities the first week of June was shocking to many people. Suicide is always shocking, but with celebrities-these people that have everything-it seems impossible. We sit in disbelief for the first week or so, then go about our business with a nagging thought in the back of our minds. That thought […]


Father’s Day without a father

Father’s Day can be a day to celebrate the man who helped raise you, or it can be a source of dread, grief, sadness and anger. People have many different reasons for dreading Father’s Day. Perhaps your dad passed away, or you have an estranged or non-existent relationship with him. You dislike Father’s Day because […]


The Physical Side of Self-Care

Taking care of ourselves is an important part of mental and physical wellness. “Self care” is a huge buzz word that people like to throw around with little explanation or with only limited examples. Visions of soothing bubble baths, listening to music or ensuring “alone time” are what usually come to mind when the topic […]