
Peer Lead Support in the Community

Counseling is a great resource for navigating life challenges, healing from past wounds, and maintaining mentally well practices; however, counseling is not always an accessible tool. Sometimes finances, access, or therapist compatibility can be a barrier to receiving the care one needs. There is no replacement for therapy but engaging with others in your community […]


Lessons from the Couch: Client Perspectives About Counseling

It comes as a surprise to some clients that not all counselors are required to experience counseling as a client during their education and training. I remember in my graduate program that at least 1/3 of the students training to be counselors had never been to counseling, and a few others had only been for […]


Boundaries: Please Stop Here—The Practical Side

“I walk in freedom in the path you have set for me.” This quote is paraphrased from King David in the Old Testament. Whether or not you believe in the book of the Bible, this quote is a great depiction of the freedom that exists inside healthy boundaries. If we know exactly where a boundary […]