
Pronouns are Suicide Prevention

We’ve always learned about pronouns in elementary school but we’ve not always learned about what they mean outside of the grammatical context. Pronouns are words “that refers to either the people talking or someone that is being talked about (i.e. she, him, them, etc.)” Pronouns can be affirming to ones gender identity, gender expression, or […]


Why Meditate?

We hear so much about meditation in media. You see the pictures of people sitting criss cross you might wonder what they’re doing or what they are thinking about. Meditation is so much more than just a specific pose and thoughtlessness. Meditation can be beneficial for everyone! There are so many different types of meditation […]


Nature as a Coping Skill for Kids

We all have seen the difference in more recent generations experiences growing up. Technology has soared like it never has before and grown exponentially between the last couple generations. We also have increased our confinement exceptionally in the last year, kids being in strollers or high chairs or at home cooped up all day due […]


The Pandemic and Children’s Mental Health

We are in the 16th month of this pandemic. The pandemic has been a difficult time for many people. We have experienced unprecedented challenges as a society and personally. Living through this much isolation, financial stress, anxiety, as well as fear and loss has all the potential to increase poor mental health outcomes. As adults […]


Pride is Important for Mental Wellness

Pride is way more than the rainbow section at Target or just the 30 days pride month encompasses. Pride is for everyone and all the time. Pride elevates marginalized voices within the LGBTQ+ community. It’s important to remember that the LGBTQ+ plus community has not been acknowledged or affirmed by the general population until very […]