
Self-Care for a Healthy Mind, Body, and Soul

Self-care is one of those things that we know is important but, time after time again, we tend to not really set it as a priority. I get it though…we get busy. We have got to go to work, we have to go to school, we have to take care of our kids and family, […]


Change and the Family Life Cycle

It’s been said that the nature of life is to change, but the nature of people is to resist change. There exists a significant distinction between the way our natural world automatically changes and evolves and the way individuals often resist the change occurring around them. We see our natural world change every day, with […]


Trauma and the Brain

One of my favorite parts of my Master’s research was trauma and how it affects the brain. Have you ever been in a car accident or lived through something sudden and traumatic? Did you notice how your body responded and what you can and cannot recollect? When working with survivors of domestic violence and sexual […]


Who Needs Counseling?

Our society perceives counseling, and those who receive it, in a negative and inaccurate light. Some view it as something only for people who’ve experienced tragedy or unspeakable hardships, the mentally ill or for people who are “too weak” to handle the difficulties of everyday life. It’s sometimes portrayed as a frivolous pastime for those […]


Mindfulness: Getting into the Here-and-Now

What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness has become an increasing trend in today’s world, not only in the field of mental health but in physical health and overall well-being as well. Simply put, mindfulness is all about awareness of the present moment: the here-and-now.


The Pitfalls of Perfectionism

The concept of perfectionism is something we are all familiar with. Just take a moment to consider the messages we receive from advertisements and social media and it’s easy to see the perfectionist culture we live in today. The pressure to have the perfect job, the perfect marriage, the perfect family, the perfect body, or […]


The Cycle of Domestic Violence

Hollywood has an unrealistic way of portraying the true dynamics of domestic violence. We typically see a successful businessman who finds the less fortunate woman and woos her into his charming good graces. She falls in love with a man who later unveils his controlling and abusive behavior. It becomes so violent the woman takes […]


Celebrating Pride while mourning Pulse

June can be a wonderful, joyful time of year for the LGBTQ+ community. Every year we march, along with our allies, to commemorate birth of the modern gay rights movement-kicked off by the Stonewall riots on June 28, 1969. In most cities around the world parades, festivals, musical events and parties specifically geared toward LGBTQ+ […]


Top 9 Benefits of Counseling

Life will inevitably throw you some curve balls but with some help you can learn to hit them out of the park. Hardships in life are unavoidable and we could all use some support when times get rough, someone to shed some light on an otherwise dark time. According to Brene Brown, “Vulnerability sounds like […]


Summer Boredom Blues

Search ‘summer boredom’ on the internet and you’ll be rewarded with multiple sites providing a plethora of ideas to ‘cure’ any child’s summer boredom blues. Suggestions such as ‘play a board game, play water balloon games, build a fort’, are offered in list, after list, after list. And it makes me wonder, when did summer […]