
Life After Divorce: A Guide on How to Find Meaning Again

Life after divorce can leave you feeling overwhelmed, traumatized, or even hopeless. Regardless of the reasons why, it is a life change that can take some getting used to and even longer to move forward with your life. No one writes your story or can give you a time frame for the healing. However, there […]


Compassion and Mental Health

Compassion isn’t necessarily a word we associate with mental health. It’s usually viewed as something we’re “supposed” to have for others because, if we don’t, we’d be selfish.  I know I grew up being told it’s important to be kind and compassionate and the reasons were related to religion and the idea of being “good”. […]


Going Home Again – An Opportunity for Emotional Growth

It is often said that home is where our story begins. For many of us here in Orlando, that story actually began somewhere other than Florida. And with the summer months just around the corner, many of us will be taking a trip home, where our story began, to visit family and friends. A visit […]


The Ripple Effect: When They hurt, I Hurt Too

Have you ever had a loved one who is hurting, and their pain over time becomes your own? Whether it is a family member, loved one, or friend if you are invested, chances are you will suffer with them. As relational beings, we are driven to stick together for better or for worse. Depending on […]


Minimizing Burnout

Feeling stressed and overwhelmed at times are pretty typical experiences for most people. We may feel overwhelmed by work, family situations or physical or mental health strains. It may feel intense and cause you to be emotionally and physically exhausted at the end of the day. It may feel that way for several days in […]


Temper Tantrums: Teachable Moments in Disguise

My husband and I were recently reminiscing about a particularly memorable temper tantrum our child had in public years ago. It’s easy to smile about that experience now, but at the time, it wasn’t pleasant. Although temper tantrums are a normal part of childhood, they can be an overwhelming experience for parents, full of anxiety, […]


I Have Confidence in Me: A Quick Guide to Self-Worth

What is self-worth and how can I find value in me? If you were to look at the dictionary definition of self-worth it states, “the sense of one’s own value or worth as a person.” That’s great Webster! I appreciate the obvious, but I still have questions. Who defines you, and is this a learned […]


Internalized Homophobia and Mental Health

Most of us recognize the idea of homophobia-a fear or dislike of homosexuals; what might be a little less understood is the concept of internalized homophobia. This occurs when a gay person believes the negative stereotypes and beliefs some people hold about homosexuals, as true about themselves. This can have a profound effect on their […]


Impactful Parenting: Encouragement in Action

Think back to your childhood and try to remember something that made you feel proud.  How do you remember deriving that sense of accomplishment?  Was it handed to you through some kind of evaluative praise, or were you left to simmer in its glory through simply being recognized for your hard work and focus?  The […]



Are you ever amazed by the strength and resilience of others and wonder if you would be able to withstand the hardships you see others face? I think most of us have that person in our lives that we see get dealt blow after blow and seem to handle it with relative ease and grace. […]