

Scientifically friction is defined as the force that opposes the motion of a solid object over another. “In the scientific study of habit formation, the thing that makes it harder for you to achieve your goal is called friction. Reducing friction means removing an obstacle or coming up with a strategy that makes a task […]



Working as a therapist can be exhausting and emotionally draining at times. I work two jobs, both as a therapist. I have eight dogs, yes you read that correctly. In my defense, before my mother passed away, she asked if I would care for her four dogs and I said yes. Added to my four, […]


Substance Use: Clarifying Common Misconceptions

Being a therapist who worked in an addictions facility and then moved to a private practice, it was a bit of a shock to see both how many people not seeking treatment for substance use are still impacted by substance use in their own or their loved one’s lives, as well as the misunderstandings of […]


Just Keep Swimming—The Personal Side

If you have ever found yourself without hope, it is a very dark place. As a therapist, I would love to say that I have never been without hope, but that just is not true. If I am honest, there have been moments when I have thought, “I have no idea how this is going […]


Just Keep Swimming—The Practical Side

“Just keep swimming!” Do you remember this line from the movie, Finding Nemo?  I do.  And when I think of this saying, the very next phrase that comes to mind is “sink or swim.” I probably think of these phrases together since they both involve the ocean and more importantly, the tenacity to keep going. […]