
The Many Faces of Love: The Practical Side

Do you know someone who is the perfect gift-giver? Are you great at gift-giving? The secret to being good at giving gifts is understanding the “love language” of your gift recipient. For example, one of my close friends loves food and gifts in general, so any gift related to food makes her happy. I have given her […]


The Kindness of Strangers—The Personal Side

Like most good things in life, kindness requires intentionality. Just as studies show you are more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down, you are more likely to perform acts of kindness if you write them down. So, make a list of acts of kindness you can perform at home and in […]


The Kindness of Strangers—The Practical Side

“I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.” This quote is from “A Streetcar Named Desire,” a play from 1947 written by American playwright Tennessee Williams. For some reason, when I think of the word kindness, I think of strangers and then loved ones. I know this sounds weird, but I believe it is […]


Asking Forgiveness—The Personal Side

Forgiveness was a runny, gooey ball of wax in my mind for years. Back then, I did not understand the importance of forgiveness and the freedom found within it. I found myself trying to reach out and touch or hold forgiveness in my most treasured relationships, but I always wound up messy. Also, I had […]


Asking Forgiveness: A How-to Guide—The Practical Side

Now that I have kids I often think about what my life was like growing up. Lately, I have been thinking about forgiveness and what my parents taught me about this difficult subject. They did a great job unpacking the idea that forgiving others—even if you do not condone or agree with what they did—brings […]


Say What You Need to Say: Communication—The Personal Side

Positive, thoughtful, honest and deliberate communication is something I strive for in each of my relationships. Now, I do not share my deepest thoughts and feelings with each person in my life. And I certainly do not always tell the more difficult people in my life just how incredibly difficult they are.  BUT, I do […]


Say What You Need to Say: Communication—The Practical Side

If I had to name the skill I teach most in counseling sessions I think it would be communication. In the age in which we live we are constantly receiving and sending information. And, yet, for some reason so many of us do not possess the communication skills necessary to live our best lives now—lives […]