
I Know How You Feel: Raising Empathetic Kids—The Practical Side

Okay, okay. I am the first to admit that I NEVER say to anyone, “I know exactly how you feel.” Each person has a unique personality AND background (family, culture, upbringing, etc.) coupled with specific life experiences. Because of this, I personally do not believe any two people are exactly alike. Moreover, I never pretend […]


Love and Loss in Orlando — The Personal Side

I remember exactly what I was doing when 9-11 happened just like members of generations past remember what they were doing when they learned Kennedy had been assassinated. I will always remember where I was and who I was with when I learned about the Pulse tragedy. I was getting ready to head to breakfast with […]


Love and Loss in Orlando — The Practical Side

It is hard to believe that almost two months have passed since a gunman ended the lives of 49 victims at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. Our community is sad, upset, confused and still wrestling with why this tragedy took place–the largest mass shooting in recent history. As we grieve together, I think there are a […]


Panic Mode — The Personal Side

It happened to me. I had (what felt like) a panic attack! Okay, I am going to be honest and say that I do not suffer from anxiety or panic attacks. And, to be fair, I did not have an actual panic attack. BUT, I definitely got a small taste of what happens to my […]


Panic Mode — The Practical Side

Last week, while waiting in line to pick up my lunch, I overheard an interesting conversation. The woman behind me was telling her friend (in line next to her) that she has been having marital problems. She went on to tell her friend about how she “freaks out” and her husband does not know how […]


An Attitude Adjustment—The Personal Side

Many years ago, I was facing a major life stressor and feeling very overwhelmed to say the least. The stressor was actually something I had been hoping and waiting for, but it still arrived with a great deal of stress (and of course some celebration too).


An Attitude Adjustment—The Practical Side

More than once, when I was young, I heard one adult laughingly say to another—“That kid needs an attitude adjustment.” In recent weeks, that phrase has resurfaced in my life. I have many clients coming to me who are facing “life adjustments” (stressors) and they are trying to “adjust their attitudes” accordingly.


Fear of the Unknown–The Personal Side

I currently find myself in several of life’s waiting rooms. Some of the waiting rooms look hopeful and cheery. And, others, well…they are grayer, quieter–more serious. I wish I could tell you that after decades on the planet I have mastered the art of waiting and that I live without any worry of the unknown. […]