
Neurodivergent Versus Neurotypical-The Practical Side

“Neurodivergent” is a buzzword that came from the related term “neurodiverse.” You may have heard someone describe themselves as “neurodivergent” or being “neurodiverse.” Judy Singer (a sociologist) coined the word “neurodiversity” in 1998 to point out that every person’s brain develops in a unique way. In fact, we know that no two brains—even the brains […]


Ambiguous Loss—The Personal Side

As weird as it sounds, I have always been personally and professionally interested in grief. I think it is because somewhere along the way I realized that grief, like love, is universal. The saying goes—if you love you will grieve. And I have found this to be true. People that know me say I “love […]


Ambiguous Loss—The Practical Side

“Ambiguous loss happens when you are grieving someone who is still living. It’s different than the grief you experience when someone you love dies. That kind of loss is finite and certain and there’s no question you should feel pain. Ambiguous loss happens when something or someone profoundly changes or disappears” (www.whatsyourgrief.com ). Some examples […]


Your Best Yes—The Personal Side

When I was younger, my mom would often advise me to “slow down.” She would say, “just because you can do everything does not mean you should do everything.” And most memorably, “every time you say yes to one thing, you say no to something else.”


Your Best Yes—The Practical Side

Every time you say “yes” to something you say “no” to something else. The opposite is also true. Time is one of the most valuable resources we have (along with health) and so it makes sense that we must learn to spend it wisely.


Me, Myself and I—The Personal Side

I often tell my clients that they are not free to love others until they truly love themselves. Loving oneself certainly does not mean believing one is perfect. Self-love does mean investing the time and resources necessary to nourish your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.


Me, Myself and I –The Practical Side

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection” (Buddha). Loving ourselves well, energizes us to love those around us well. In this blog, I want to take a look at how we can invest in ourselves in order to ensure we are learning and growing in every life […]


Time, Money and Talent—The Personal Side

“I just don’t have enough time.” Have you ever said these words? I have! And, there have been times in my life (especially during graduate school and when my children were very small) when I really did not have much extra time. And, yet, the flip side is that “we all get the same 24 […]


Time, Money and Talent—The Practical Side

If you looked at your bank statement or wrote down how you spent most of your hours over the past month, you would quickly see what is most important to you. Years ago, I heard someone say, “Where your time, treasure and talent are shows where your heart is, as well.