
Self-Regulation for Kids

Self-regulation is defined as control of oneself by oneself. Andrea Bell from Good Therapy defines good emotional self-regulation, as someone who “has the ability to keep their emotions in check. They can resist impulsive behaviors that might worsen their situation, and they can cheer themselves up when they’re feeling down. They have a flexible range […]


Sensory Memory- A Possible Trigger for Mental Health Issues

There are a lot of reasons why the holidays are stressful times. While they also bring a lot of joy, there is a plethora of reasons why people find their anxiety and depression levels to be elevated in the winter months. Family conflicts, financial difficulties, travel worries, and busy schedules can all create a rise […]


Invisible is My Superpower–The Personal Side

Choice is powerful. Choosing to be invisible and just being invisible are completely different experiences.  If you are the person in your home that “signed up” to do all of the necessary yet mundane things to keep everyone going, you are much more likely to be okay with being largely invisible.


Invisible is My Superpower–The Practical Side

Clean clothes, clean sheets and food in the refrigerator are all things that just magically happened for me growing up. Even though we were not affluent, all of my basic needs were met and I never thought twice about opening a drawer and finding clean clothes or wondering if we would make it to the […]