
All is Calm, All is Bright—The Practical Side

I smirk even as I type this, because the “calm” lyric from this Christmas song rarely plays out in my life during this busy season. Calm is, after all, something we must carve out time to experience. And yet, I often forget this concept and run myself ragged this time of year.


Your Brain on Sleep—The Personal Side

If you were alive in 1987, you might remember the anti-drug campaign ad that talked about “your brain on drugs” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOnENVylxPI). The ad set out to compare our brains to an egg and how doing drugs was like breaking and frying the egg.


Your Brain on Sleep—The Practical Side

Prior to the 1950s, scientists believed that our brains went dormant when we slept (www.hopkinsmedicine.org). We now know this is absolutely not true. Your brain cycles through REM and non-REM throughout the night, sometimes up to 4 or 5 times. When you experience quality sleep, you are better able to both understand and remember information. […]


Stressed to the Max—The Personal Side

I don’t know if the general public pictures therapists as practicing Yoga or Tai Chi, meditating, or just doing life in flowing clothes while emanating peace and kindness. If you are a therapist and this describes you…WONDERFUL! I have met such sweet souls and love being in their calming presence.  However, I am here to […]


Stressed to the Max–The Practical Side

“Stressed” is a word you may have used from time-to-time to describe your mental health. The urban dictionary on Google defines “stressed out” as when you feel like you cannot cope with life or are overwhelmed with responsibility.” With everything that is happening in the world many of us feel stressed. However, nuances exist in […]


The 911 for Mental Health is 988—The Personal Side

This is going to sound very strange, but over the years a close friend of mine has probably dialed 911 at least 10 times. She has given permission for me to mention this in my blog. Let me explain. These calls have involved her either witnessing something questionable or actually being in the middle of […]


The 911 for Mental Health is 988—The Practical Side

America has had a suicide hotline for as long as I can remember. And while this was a great option for those experiencing thoughts of suicide, it had, in my opinion two large limitations. First, it was a 1-800 number so it was difficult to memorize. And, second, not all mental health crises are centered […]


I Choose Joy—The Personal Side

I am a recovering pessimist. Sometime in middle school I realized I was a pessimist. I think it happened after hearing from more than a few friends and family members that I had a very negative outlook on life. But, to be fair, I had my reasons.


I Choose Joy—The Practical Side

When is the last time you heard the word, “joy”? It is not a commonly used word. I hear people say, “Why am I not happy?” or, “I don’t know what to do to feel happy,” but rarely do I hear someone use the word “joy.”


Codependency: When Giving Becomes Too Much — The Personal Side

I have always said that if you understand the history, there is no “crazy behavior.” I have been providing mental health treatment as a counselor since 2006 and still hold firmly to this belief. Having said this, I believe there are many good and pure reasons that people get pulled into codependency. Some people are […]