
Coping with Stress this Holiday Season

Everyone experiences stress from time to time. It’s part of normal life. Most people’s stress levels increase this time of year due to the added pressures that come with the holidays such as parties, gifting, decorations, and missing loved ones. When you factor in daily stressors like relationships, work issues, illness, and child care; our stress levels can really […]


My Teen Has Been Abducted by Aliens!

“And so, rather than ignoring the ESSENCE of adolescence, what if we shaped our culture-in our homes, in our schools, and in our larger society-to cherish and cultivate these qualities?” -Dr. Daniel J. Siegel Adolescent years often bring confusion…not just for adolescents themselves…but for their parents, who no longer recognize their children. It’s as if […]


Got Mental Fitness?

About 9 months ago my husband and I began the quest to get our family physically healthy. We became more active, started eating fresh vegetables and fruits with every meal, and cut out all processed foods. As a result we all became stronger, more physically fit, and were eating a rainbow of colors.