
Getting in Touch

“Life engenders life. Energy creates energy. It is by spending oneself that one becomes rich.”  -Sarah Bernhardt I have this beautiful handwritten letter from my Great Aunt Bea, written several Christmases ago, probably as an insert in some long lost holiday card. The paper is old and worn from many readings, so now I keep it framed behind glass. It’s […]


Seasons Change, Our Need for Connection Remains

Tomorrow morning if you wake up And the future is unclear I… I will be here -Steven Curtis Chapman, I Will Be Here The holiday season can be a time of connection where friends and family get together for parties, dinners and other gatherings. Everywhere one goes there are reminders of the season…


Crafting Gratitude — The Practical Side

Thanksgiving has just passed, and now I am counting the days until Christmas. I love Christmas, because I love giving (and getting) gifts. I love lit trees, delicious treats, and family traditions that have been celebrated and passed down for thirty plus years. And, yet, as I am getting older, I have come to love Thanksgiving […]


Care for the Caregiver — The Personal Side

For the personal piece on caregiving, I wanted to share some advice from a dear friend. My friend of many years—let’s call her Lily—is caregiver to a young son who is currently struggling with two different types of mental illness.


Care for the Caregiver — The Practical Side

Do you live with someone struggling with a mental illness? Are you a caregiver for an aging parent or seriously ill spouse? Do you have an active relationship with a close friend battling depression? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you are caring for someone with special needs and are a “caregiver,” […]


Domestic Violence (DV) — The Personal Side

When I was in high school, one of my friends (let’s call her Laura) dated a guy who often abused her both physically and emotionally. She was tragically affected by domestic violence, but at the time I had no idea. All I knew was that her boyfriend (let’s call him Rob) did not seem very […]


Domestic Violence (DV) — The Practical Side

Whether you watch football or just follow the news, you may by now have heard that the NFL has put new policy in place to crack down on players who commit acts of domestic violence. This policy comes on the heels of a domestic violence case involving Ravens running back Ray Rice. Rice has been […]


Gender Therapy in Orlando

As a therapist who is very pleased to work with people who are transgender in Orlando, I offer a safe, confidential, supportive environment where one is able to explore feelings as well as options; including HRT, living full-time and gender confirmation surgery. I am constantly seeking to increase my list of reliable resources and solid […]