
Crafting Gratitude—The Personal Side

A year or two ago I started a new practice. At the end of every day I mentally list 3 things I am grateful for.  I also sometimes list one thing I could have done better that day. I usually do this as I am falling asleep, but sometimes I do it throughout the day […]


Crafting Gratitude — The Practical Side

Thanksgiving has just passed, and now I am counting the days until Christmas. I love Christmas, because I love giving (and getting) gifts. I love lit trees, delicious treats, and family traditions that have been celebrated and passed down for thirty plus years. And, yet, as I am getting older, I have come to love Thanksgiving […]


Care for the Caregiver — The Personal Side

For the personal piece on caregiving, I wanted to share some advice from a dear friend. My friend of many years—let’s call her Lily—is caregiver to a young son who is currently struggling with two different types of mental illness.


Care for the Caregiver — The Practical Side

Do you live with someone struggling with a mental illness? Are you a caregiver for an aging parent or seriously ill spouse? Do you have an active relationship with a close friend battling depression? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you are caring for someone with special needs and are a “caregiver,” […]


Finding Hope in the Waiting Room of Life — The Personal Side

“Everyone needs something to look forward to.” This is a quote from a man personally known to me.  He said many wise things during his 95 years on the planet, but this is one of my favorites. To me, it echoes the proverb I quoted in the practical blog on this subject—“People die for lack […]


Finding Hope in the Waiting Room of Life — The Practical Side

Everyone is waiting on something. A vacation, a new job, a spouse, a baby, a relationship to mend. We are all, in a sense, in a waiting room—life’s waiting room. We are in one room—one place—waiting on the next thing in hopeful anticipation.