
Accepting Imperfection

When you were a child did you hear the words, “children are to be seen and not heard?” Were you allowed to express your feelings such as sadness or anger, or were you expected to be happy and perfect at all times? As I sit here and think about my childhood, I remember having to behave a certain […]


Five Sides of The Spinning Top

As an injury-prone person, I’m often amazed by (and appreciative of) my body’s ability to heal. Our bodies are filled with white blood-cells that constantly battle sickness, and our bodily tissues are always standing at the ready to repair any structural damage we might incur. But, not only are our bodies geared towards healing, so […]


From Fear to Hope

“Loving ourselves through the process of owning our story is the bravest thing we’ll ever do.”  Brene Brown In their article “The journey of a lifetime: Group work with young women who have experienced sexual assault,” narrative therapists Lisa McPhie and Chris Chaffey explain the process they used to give witness to the stories of […]


Losing a Furry Friend

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened. ” – Anatole France We Americans adore our pets. We see them as treasured members of the family and treat them accordingly (right, Gizmo and Petey?). We name them after characters in movies, take them on family vacations, and even dress them up on Halloween.